quail eye

  1. J

    Help!! New to Quail Seem Sick

    We just got some quail from an elderly person who knew nothing about caring for them. They were in a wire cage about 4’ off the ground and were just fed and watered. They have some issues as the pictures show. Can anyone help me with what I need to do to help them? Mites?? Infected eyes?? They...
  2. K

    Quail third eyelid showing sick for weeks now

    My quail dottie has been sick for 3 weeks. Her third eyelid is showing, she's being lethargic and sitting puffed up. She stands with one leg up. I had her on amoxicillin for 7 days, she's been off for 2 now. I gave her nutri-drench in her water, she eats Purina gamebird crumbles and dried meal...
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