quail newbie

  1. BannanaWolf

    Can I keep more than 4 females per male?

    I recently got quail and was wondering if I could keep more females than 4 per male?by the way these are corutnix quail.
  2. Master Quaillius

    Does having 2 female quail together make them fight?

    Hey, I have a young female quail right now and I keep her as a pet and also for her eggs. She is quite lonely though, so I want to get another female for her. I want to know if they're going to fight each other or become friends. Please help out.
  3. Kaya1

    New to raising Quail

    I was given 4 Japanese Quail as a gift 4 months ago, and my wife and I love them like any other pets. Their eggs are delicious! We just moved from the north coast of California to the Valley. I'm hoping they'll be ok in this heat, since they did very well in the cold. Does anyone know what...
  4. rcstanley

    How much ventilation do coturnix quail need in their "coop"

    I'm new to coturnix / Japanese quail and have been diligently (over) researching. One thing I haven't found the answer to is how much ventilation do quail need? I know chickens in their coops need 1 square foot of ventilation per bird. Is there a similar number for quail? How high above...
  5. My New Quail Adventure

    My New Quail Adventure

    So, I love having chickens. I like the small number of chickens that I have and don't feel like pushing it with the laws for my city. I started thinking about keeping quail. I used to keep small birds as a child. I didn't know if I could handle a gamebird. Turns out, quail are a super easy for...
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