shared run and coup

  1. cluck queen

    Quails and bantams cohabitation

    Hello all! I have two small black bantam hens and 4 corournix quail. Can they share a mini coop and run. Those ones you buy from Amazon. Its got two sections for them to go into. I know quail are naturally skittish and hens are hens but they are both about the same size honestly. Can I have them...
  2. P

    Small Peafowl Pen

    We’re currently having to move to a rental while waiting to purchase our home in a few months. The problem is there is very little usable space. What is the best safe but temporary small foot print peafowl enclosures. Thank you!
  3. sarastamand

    Rabbits and Chickens Co-Habiting

    As part of a school project, my step son got to spend the school year raising bunnies and learning about farm-to-table by working on a farm with his classmates. Now that we are at the end of the year, the students are provided the opportunity to bring home their own bunny or one of the babies...
  4. D

    Ducks and Chickens Living Together... Worms etc.

    I have ducks and chickens living together and am concerned that I have a duck that may have Asper's cough or worm. I wonder if the chickens and ducks can be wormed naturally through feed TOGETHER? For the next few (last days of winter) cannot separate them. Any help is better than none... thanks!
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