should i be worried

  1. RynNightmare

    Red duck poop! Normal or cause for concern?! Freaking out!

    If it’s not one duck it’s the other 😅 Just posted something the other day about Sammy and tonight I went to put the ducks up and noticed red droppings. I watched both of them until I watched them poop and Sammy is thankfully fine, but Colby is having red poop. It doesn’t look like pictures I’ve...
  2. The chicken Hatcher

    Turkey poult with weak legs.

    Hey all. I have a turkey poult that hatched Saturday or Sunday. He occasionally gets stuck on his back and kicks the air and can't get up. I have them on medicated chick feed. He also doesn't walk as much as his sibling, but he still walks a lot. Is this something to worry about? Thanks! TCH
  3. D

    Loner duck

    Hey all! So my boss was trying to get rid of her ducks ( she just didn’t have the time for them) so I took them to my neighbors because they have a pond and I figured they’d thrive there..... well turns out there was an alligator in said pond.... I was able to rescue one of them and take it...
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