
  1. S

    Abnormal Behavior. Chicken spread out on top of sick one in nesting box.

    One of our chickens (a frizzle) has no feathers and tends to hide out in the nesting box. For the past week, one of the healthy birds has been laying on top of her, wings and tail completely spread out to cover her. They are the same age and have been raised together since day one. I’ve attached...
  2. RossBantams

    COVID means chores for me...

    So my mother tested positive for COVID yesterday. I decided to take a test to make sure I didn't get it from her since she may have had it for a few days before she got tested. Well, I saw the very faint red line, so I guess I have it :he My mom is a little bit of an anxious person and wants me...
  3. edgy6ellie

    Sick hen jerking head

    Help! My favourite hen is really sick, shes not eating and is doing this jerking with her head. Shes sounds very wheezy aswell! For video
  4. B

    My hen is not herself, pinky orange discharge coming out of vent

    Hi everyone, I’m a new chicken keeper and I am panicking as my 4 month old white Sussex hen isn’t herself tonight. She was fine all day and when I went to let her out the run for her evening walk around the garden she was all puffed up. She had a slow walk around and then I saw pinky/orange...
  5. A

    Sick chicken? Please help

    A few days ago, one of my hens started brooding. This didn't surprise me, because I read heat could induce this behavior. She was bullying the other hens out of the nesting box, so I decided to move her. Because it was so hot, I did not want to isolate her in the brooder that was outside (I...
  6. M

    Her conditions are getting very concerning

    Ok so in my last thread i posted about Pipi chocking which maybe was something else. Her conditions are getting concerning guys i donno what to do. I DON'T want her to die. As you can see she does that mouth opening thing like she can't breath. Also she seems to have excessive saliva. Even...
  7. Kiwi_The__arnevelder

    Is my new silkie sick?

    Hello, i recently bought this cute silkie hen last night. Today i was getting her used to me and she seemed pretty tamed but i never saw her run. I realised her poop was very reddish orange and i’m just really worried she might be sick? or is it the new environment? perhaps coccidia? She seems...
  8. Jajanelle

    Possibly blind rooster, sick?

    Hello everyone m, My young rooster Rambo seems to have an eye that seems a little gray, which leads me to believe that eye might be blind. He sometimes let that eye closed, or like this morning, it looks like his eyelids are sticky and stuck together (1st picture). That eye always looks like...
  9. S

    Sick chicks

    I bought 9 new chicks (approx 4 weeks -6 weeks old) from a local farm. 2 of the 9 didn’t make it after the first and second night. One I tried treating but then noticed a little dab of blood in the stool. Contacted the farm and they provided me with Corid. (New chickens are in my inside...
  10. S

    2 Year Old Barred Rock Hen Losing Her Voice?

    My 2yo barred rock Pepper appears to be losing her voice as of yesterday. She normally is quite vocal and has a clear cluck/scream but today she is quieter and her sounds seem more garbled and strained. Her comb is nice and red, she is running and flapping and digging with all her normal...
  11. Tarynj

    Poopy butt

    My hens seem to be have something plaguing them over time. This is the second hen that has a poppy butt for a while and then becomes lethargic. We ended up culling the other after an injury from a neighbors dog so unsure how she would have turned out- this was over a month ago and no one has...
  12. C

    Advice & Recommendations - Chickens Tail Down

    Hi there!! Just looking to see if anyone has any experience or recommendations for one of our hens. Starting Monday she began walking with her tail down (almost waddling like a penguin). She was promptly separated from the other hens to monitor in case she was egg bound. Also gave her a few...
  13. S

    Impacted or sour crop?

    one of our BPR, has what looks like impacted or sour crop. We’ve isolated her for 24 hours without food, water only with ACV, given her cooked eggs to eat when reintroducing food. The crop doesn’t seem to be reducing at all. It is weirdly movable and at times feels like a water balloon. I’m...
  14. Lashua01

    Chicken Yellow poop

    We got chickens in the beginning of March so I'd say they are almost 4 months old and this morning letting them out I noticed one pooped and it looked like this? I'm guessing this isn't good? If not what can I give it to treat it before anything happens to my knowledge it's eating and drinking...
  15. B

    Help, sick RIR Roo.

    Our 17 week old RIR Roo lost his crow about a week ago. And then two days ago I noticed his breathing labored and wheezing. Today his comb has drastically darkened to a deep purple. He is separating himself from the flock and stretching his neck out with each breath. It seems to be getting...
  16. H

    Injured rooster

    I've got a rooster who injured their foot. They got it tangled in some fencing. He refuses to Walk on it, or move really his poop goes between being watery and normal consistency but it's green and yellow. He's also pooping on himself and getting it stuck in his butt fluff. First we let him...
  17. Immrya

    Chickens slowly dying off one by one

    Hello. So I have a head scratcher of a situation. Last fall one of my Vorwerk hens who at the time was 6 months old, started acting more dull than the rest of my flock. No other symptoms noted. She never got any worse, was always the same dullness you could say. She eventually passed in her...
  18. Bryant Chickens

    Questions on Sick Chicken

    Hello! This is my first post so I'm not sure exactly how everything works, but I'll try to give as many details as possible. We purchased a batch of Sussex pullets just a few months ago, it was originally a group of 13, but we noticed many of them weren't acting well after about a month and a...
  19. L

    Lame Hen

    Greetings, I have a backyard chicken that's been having problems walking. I thought I'd give it a look and took these photos. Is this scaly mites or something worse?
  20. edgy6ellie

    Black spot in hens eye

    So today i noticed my hen being alot quieter than usual, so Ive had a look at her and the only things i can find wrong is this black spot coming out of her pupil, it seems like its irritating her as she has this eye shut most of the time, its dilating but only very slightly. She also seems to...
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