
  1. A

    My chivken got frostbite and now i dont know what to do.

    This winter my hen got frostbite pretty bad on her feet. It had got infected and we had this whole mess of antibiotics and her being inside the past month and a half. But now her toes are shriveled up abd black. The flesh is dead. My question is, do i cut them off or anything? Do they fall off...
  2. Hazelbunny

    Bleeding Toes!

    Does anyone know what would cause bleeding Toes? This is the second time I found one of my hens with blood on her toe. I found blood on a shelf like thing that the chickens like and on the ground. I will post pictures is it can figure it out. I'm worried that it might turn into a big...
  3. WildCHILD400

    Help With chicken!PLZ READ!

    Hi I have a Bantam roo who recently got frostbite on three toes! THE TIP OF ONE FELL OFF and one is 1/3 purplish and the other was 1/2 gray and swollen like a human finger. I brought him in and soak his feet in warm water and Epsom salt once a day for about a week and a half then put Neosporin...
  4. Revan

    Week old chick with damaged toes?

    A follow-up to this thread: . My mother and I have noticed that one of the chicks, a cochin bantam, is having serious balance issues. We looked it over and noticed that some of it's once yellow-pink toes have...
  5. P

    Injured Rooster, Laceration on Toe Pics Included. Injury has turned Green now.

    Recently my rooster was injured by having a cut in between his toes and at the bottom of it. I cleaned it off and i added hydrogen peroxide. After a day i took off his bandages his cut was green is this normal?
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