
  1. Ocean Flare

    HELP! Quail has infection or something! Not sure

    Hi. I just went in to check on my quail and one who for the past week and a day couldn't walk has a big infection or SOMETHING on her! I thought it was minor since since she had once before hurt her leg but it was fine in a few days. But then I saw slight red coloration on her feathers and cut...
  2. Brittnicole94

    Trembling hen/yellow poop

    I have a 4 year old buff orpington that for the past 2 days has been keeping distant from the rest of the flock and has stopped roosting with them and is laying by herself at night. Today I gave them some lettuce and bananas as a treat she usually loves them but today she wouldn’t touch it and...
  3. nugget222

    Chick is acting very strange! Help needed!

    My two month old roo has been acting very strange recently, he’s been shaking/trembling mostly in his behind and legs, lying down frequently, and hasn’t been roosting with the others. I’m very worried about him! This is the first time this has ever happened and any help is very much appreciated
  4. DuckGirl365

    Help Urgently Needed! Trembling Duckling

    Hello there, I'm new to this website. I have 5 Silver Appleyard ducklings that are about a week and a half old and one of them is noticeably smaller than the rest. A few hours ago, I gave them a bath in some cool water and changed their bedding. After their bath, I put them back into their...
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