
  1. D

    8 week old swollen upper eyelid for 2 weeks!!!!

    Hi all! New to chicken raising, and I can’t seem to find the right diagnosis and treatment for my 8 week old Maran, Darcy. Two weeks ago I noticed my Maran had a swollen, red upper eyelid with minimal feather loss surrounding. I thought I figured out what it was and found a TS still selling...
  2. Chick3nLover

    Tylan50 dosing

    Hey everyone. My chicken Lacy, may have MG. I was advised to get Tylan50 and dose 0.25ml per pound 3 times a day for 5 days. I weighed her today and she is 5 pounds, so that came out to 1.25ml every dose. To me this seems like a lot. So I wanted to double and triple check, that this was right...
  3. Aryetheral Waalburgus

    All hen's feathers falling out?

    Buckbeak, my 2yo Dark Brahma hen is losing all her feathers without seeming to grow any back. She currently has a secondary Bumblefoot infection, so she's in a crate in the garage. I've gave her 5 1/2cc shots of Tylan 50, went 4 days without, and gave her 2 more shots. The last shot was...
  4. AUtiger

    12 week old with severe respiratory illness - Can she recover?

    My 12 week old barred rock girl had a terrible case of respiratory illness (suspected MG?) swollen snotty eyes, runny nose, very lethargic, wheezing. I have been giving her antibiotics (Tylan50 injectin) 4 days now. Her eyes are swollen shut still, although they look slightly better now than...
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