unusual feathers

  1. BlueTheBrahma

    Can anyone tell me the names of these three brahma’s colours?

    I got my first flock of chickens in June, 5 adult hens and 5 young brahmas from a friend, but he got the brahmas from another farm as hatching eggs. I can’t find many examples of these three patterns in particular, and would like to know what their names are for future reference. They are about...
  2. Yukidongo

    Seriously, "Silky" Smooth Cochin Bantams

    I have had a pair of Cochin Bantams for two years. Rob Roy, and Yuki. He's Frizzled. She is Beautiful, Perfect, smooth regular feathers. The progeny have been Smooth, regular, OR Frizzled. The Frizzle has been of two types. First, a lovely tear drop shaped feather that curls gracefully, and I...
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