
  1. M

    Suspicious chicken sounds??

    Hi, everyone. I'm new to chickens and have a flock of six hens--three barred rocks and three easter eggers, all approximately six months old. I've been meaning to introduce myself, and still probably will officially in the not too distant future, but one of my EE girls, Frida, has started...
  2. rod5591

    Sad sounding rooster vocalization--have you heard it before? What does it mean?

    This is my pariah rooster. He is rooster#3 of 3, about 1 year old, and the other two roosters will chase him off if he gets too close to them, or the hens. Sometimes he goes off by himself and makes this sad vocalization. Does anyone familiar with rooster know what this particular...
  3. Broody Hen and Duckling Talking

    Broody Hen and Duckling Talking

    This beautiful hen brooded and hatched out ducklings in 2016. This short clip features her vocalizing to the baby, clucking to it at the end and scolding me in the beginning!
  4. Chikpeas

    Chicken Vocalizations - Just for Fun!

    This is mostly just a curiosity thread to hear about the unique vocalizations that everyone's chickens have, as I've come to realize not every hen clucks the same. 😁 For example, I have two 3 month old Black Australorp pullets (whom we lovingly call the Twins) and both of them loudly honk...
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