what is this?

  1. R

    Can someone help me figure out what’s wrong with my chicken?

    I just bought my newest chickens Raven & Oreo both seramas, not sure of their ages but I’m worried that Oreo may have Merriks or something else. She has droopy wings, she’s loosing her balance, if I pick her up then put her back down she will just sit or lay down, and she can’t balance on my...
  2. M

    What kind of chicken is this?

    Ok this is definitely not a Rhode Island Red like it was supposed to be. Question is, what is it? I think I know, but I would like conformation! 😂 It has feathered legs and some beautiful markings on the feathers!
  3. kk+chickens

    underbelly/belly button area

    i’m not sure if this is in the right category... i have 5 hens: 2 easter eggers that are about 9.5 y/o 2 caramel brahmas that are about 3.5 y/o 1 black australorp that is about 3.5 y/o they all have this little scab thing where their belly buttons would be and i’m just wondering if that’s...
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