when will chickens lay

  1. Brehchickens

    First Time Backyard Chicken Owner - We got our first eggs!

    I have been lurking on this site for a couple of months but have never posted. This time I would like to share my first experience of owning chickens. I bought 6 Delaware chicks from Tractor Supply in the first week of August without prior knowledge. My first worrisome encounter were pasty...
  2. Cloverr39

    When should they start laying?

    I have bantams. I think bantams start laying a bit later than standard egg laying breeds. More specifically I have a 4 month old Brahma x Silkie mix, a 2 month old frizzle Cochin and lastly, a 2 month old Silkie. All bantams. Around when should they start laying? They'll definitely be laying...
  3. Happy henz1270

    When will she lay

    I have a barred rock hen who is about 16 weeks and 3 days. She has been red for about 2 weeks and have been squatting for same amount of time. Lately She been sitting in the nesting box every morning on the fake eggs but nothing is there when she moves. She’s also been pushing for 3 days and...
  4. Little Chicken Lady

    When did your Production Reds start laying?

    I have a production red that is 16 weeks old and looks like she is ready to lay, but she hasn't found much interest in nesting boxes and doesn't squat. A friend of mine got a production red from the same hatchery as I did, the same week even, and her pro red started laying this week. I think...
  5. GoldpartridgeHen

    when will they lay

    i have 6 hybrids (2 rir x ls, 2 black medici, 2 marans cuivree) it is cold where i am, regularly dropping below 10 degrees c, when will they start laying? they are nearly 21 weeks, so should they all be laying within the next few days?
  6. Kbinkley679

    When will my Chicken start laying egg????

    You finally got chickens!! You’ve watched them grow from fluffy little chicks to beautiful large hens! One day you wake up and look at the calendar and realize....its time!!! Its time for my girls to start laying!! You’re so excited, you have been waiting for this day for months! You run...
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