winter 2018

  1. KikiDeAnime

    Chicks & Winter

    I have four 3 wk old chicks that I'm going to be keeping inside longer than I usually would. They have a 10 wk old chick inside with them that they've already bonded with so I'm not separating. At what age would they be able to go outside in winter? We got fall chicks last year but stuck them...
  2. Bettyboop7499

    Crazy egg numbers..

    Hello BYC, I have 4 Plymouth Barred Rock hens that started laying this year. I was getting four eggs a day, then started just getting three but yesterday I got five?? Do hens sometimes lay multiple eggs? That is the only explanation, I have other chicks but they are not old enough and have never...
  3. A

    1st Winter in Central PA

    So this will be our first central PA winter with our chickens and ducks. They have a wooden coop with an attached run. During the summer the chickens always go up in the coop to roost at night and the ducks stay in the run. We’re thinking of putting plywood around the run for the winter. Will...
  4. NorthernChick1

    Seeking help from Northern Members on cold weather flock management!

    I live in northern Ontario (Canada) where our winters average around -20C (-4f) and wonder how BYC members deal and manage there flock with this type of cold weather throughout the winter. There are many methods such as having a heat lamp set up all winter long (scared to have a power outage...
  5. Sakiza

    Outdoor Peafowl and Pheasant Pen

    Hello! First time poster. But I have been reading BYC for a while. My family and I have a small hobby farm with a variety of birds. The next big project is an aviary for our peafowl (one male, four female) and pheasants (one male, one female). We live in upstate New York and we get a lot of...
  6. Splendid Medley

    Molting in Winter - Unhappy Cold Chicken

    In northern CT we've had some rough weather lately. Single/negative digits overnight, teens in the day. The we had 40's and 50's with 3 inches of rain, then a drop to single digits., now in 20's. I don't heat the coup, and both run and coup are rcovered/roofed, and I keep both very dry. After...
  7. Lazy Farmer

    U know it is WINTER when your CHICKENS "AND" ____ are...

    Just a fun PHOTO FRIENDLY Thread with associations with Winter Time & related Trials & Tribulations with 2 separate replies/explanations. First Subject with or without pic CHICKEN RELATED. Second Subject with or without pic ALSO WINTER RELATED. Main Theme is winter. Chickens & ______ as well...
  8. Derek Kwas

    Heat Lamp on all night?

    Hello, my family and i have 4 chickens roughly the age of 9 months old that are laying eggs. With the cold temperatures that we are experiencing here in Illinois we've been keeping the heat lamp on all night for them that's roughly 4 feet off the ground. Is this ok? Will it hurt them? Is there...
  9. Foristers

    Heavier than normal fall molt predicted hard winter?

    I posted a thread in a local small farm group on Facebook back in November, when it was still relatively comfortable in my area. At that time I had no idea what this winter would become. Here was my post from November 3, 2017 from that local Facebook group: "Has anyone heard that chickens...
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