¤º°`°º20+ pak mutant pheasant eggs Pa SOLD`°º¤ø

Now Leslie, i can still ship them to you, but it may cost a bit more. if you would add an extra $5.00 to it id do it. You will get 24 eggs in this shipment. let me know...

You tease!! Sure, Charlie, twist my arm. How did you know the demand for pheasants is through the roof here? If I weren't about to pop any day now, I would be having one heck of a hatching season this year, as I have quite a waiting list for just about anything that will hatch out of an egg but am lacking the stamina to run more than a hovabator or two at a time.

PM me with your addie...
They should make those for ROOSTERS!
Leslie, Pm sENT, TEASE O YA
LOL.....Ya know, demand is a good thing....

Wildsky, i think they do have some that will work for roosters.
Cutlers pheasant supply HAS them..


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