*¤*°!Duck Clans!°*¤*A wild duck RP!°*¤*° REACTIVATE YOUR DUCKS!

Sadie sighed. "You must learn that titles dont mean a thing. It is what the person is like that really counts." She told her.
She smiled "That is True..Thank you for letting me care for these little Ducklings Sadie," she smiled and nestled the Ducklings under her "But we need to find Shelter, were in the Eye of the Storm as of Right now it seems...It'll get worse if we stay out her," she said looking at the Darker Sky.
"Yes, we must find a cave or something rather high up. That way it wont flood." Sadie looked at the ducklings with envy, but pushed that aside. " We must hurry. The storm's eye will soon pass."
She nodded and looked around "I think there's a Fallen down Oak that has been rotted down in the Middle, where there is some tunnels..It's been picked clean by us..So there's no more Creepy Crawlies," she said the lat part to the little ducklings.
"Its gone, ill go first,come in after i say its ok" Sadie went in and looked all around in a hurry. "OK"
Star walked in first with her Little Ducklings Behind her, and she took a Left to where she used to have a Old Nest inside the Hollow. SHe looked at the Old Nest, still having Down in it and Pretty Warm, with some DollarWeeds Growing around it.

Daisy went to the Right where it was full of Dry, Crisp Leaves. She nestled down and went to Sleep.

Trouble was getting fixed up by the Healer..
Sadie looked out. the eye was passing and it started to rain again. "I hope everyone is in a shelter" she said, seeing the storm again.

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