«We Could be Heroes» chatterbox

Im actually really good with little kids. One of my good irl friends has 7 brothers no sisters and ive met some of his little brothers. I always talk in my baby voice around them and they LOVE ME and I LOVE THEM and all the while Zach just watches me and laughs
I envy you for your patience. :3

I'm scared of little kids.
Especially babies.
They're shifty little devils.
I nearly strangled a child once.
I had gotten so mad that I just wrapped my hands around her throat and squeezed. :3
I frequently get enraged around little children. Very often, my mother can see in my eyes how much I want to kick a toddler across the room. But my little bit of saneness stops me. :3
I am the eldest... and I am Abby.

Fear me.

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