«We Could be Heroes» chatterbox

Man.. I missed a lot in like what.. 30 min? *Sighs* Catch up time!

I go by the name Andy (Thus my middle name) But my name is Jaime (Or you can call me James) Seconded youngest. I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters. Um... My idol is Jim Carrey

And i has leh bootyful Bernese mountain doggo named leh Tucker
who I'm pretty sure is Satan.
View attachment 1193355

I must say that not having the 'Eyeroll' emoji really affects what I type. I ALWAYS use the eye roll emoji. I NEED it. :hmm

Hi all - My name is Katie.
that's it.
not catherine, katrina, katlyn, cathy, or any other variant which I have gotten. just Katie. some people call me Kate and they get a death stare for shortening my name unless they are family.... cue eyeroll. lol

I answer to all of those and all 4 of my sisters names too. lol
I must say that not having the 'Eyeroll' emoji really affects what I type. I ALWAYS use the eye roll emoji. I NEED it. :hmm

Hi all - My name is Katie.
that's it.
not catherine, katrina, katlyn, cathy, or any other variant which I have gotten. just Katie. some people call me Kate and they get a death stare for shortening my name unless they are family.... cue eyeroll. lol

I answer to all of those and all 4 of my sisters names too. lol

My dad calls me Gracie and so does my irl friends dad and whenever my friend calls me Gracie I give him the evil eye and he runs away XD

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