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Oh no! I wasn't judging or nothin' My oldest brother (Who's obsessed of his hair) Will put on foundation every now and then when he goes out.. ain't nothing wrong with men wearing makeup.. It just gets annoying when he doesn't ask if he can use your foundation...
Hahahahahaha. I don't have that problem. My bro would never willingly put on makeup. And if his hair is an inch long, he's about to cut it.
yeah...? after a shower during the day. you can wash it out later... I am one of those non-makeup wearing peoples who doesnt really know anything. I'm assuming you're wondering if it's an over night thing. it's for during the day. I could never keep coconut oil in my hair more than an hour or two it would start to smell bad to me.
Meh. I'm just experimenting. Trying to fix up my hopeless mop.
Meh. I'm just experimenting. Trying to fix up my hopeless mop.
Have you ever pet a goat before? Everyone says my hair feels like our goats.. And whenever he can my brother will try and sneak in little papers under my door with tips on how to keep your hair healthy. I've basically given up on my once luscious hair, Dyed it too many times as a kid.
No, but I can imagine. XD you have the best brother.
Have you ever pet a goat before? Everyone says my hair feels like our goats.. And whenever he can my brother will try and sneak in little papers under my door with tips on how to keep your hair healthy. I've basically given up on my once luscious hair, Dyed it too many times as a kid.
Apparently it's a fashion, now. Grey hair? Theirs is natural, but I've heard such...
I had stopped dying my hair waiting for the grey to start, my husband who is 6months younger than me is half grey at this point. I have yet to find any grey in mine, but he requested I dye it so it's been a light reddish blond for the past 4 months now. :p i'm growing it out again. my oldest sister is just starting to go grey. shes 37 next month.

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