«We Could be Heroes» chatterbox

Have you ever pet a goat before? Everyone says my hair feels like our goats.. And whenever he can my brother will try and sneak in little papers under my door with tips on how to keep your hair healthy. I've basically given up on my once luscious hair, Dyed it too many times as a kid.
Perhaps you brother could divulge the secrets of wearing my hair down?
Man.. I missed a lot in like what.. 30 min? *Sighs* Catch up time!

I go by the name Andy (Thus my middle name) But my name is Jaime (Or you can call me James) Seconded youngest. I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters. Um... My idol is Jim Carreyt

And i has leh bootyful Bernese mountain doggo named leh Tucker
who I'm pretty sure is Satan.
View attachment 1193355

OK ok ok hold up Millers YOU LEGIT SAID WE CAN CALL YOU JAMES And Andy is a boy name isnt it?

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