«We Could be Heroes» chatterbox

So how was everyone's Thanksgiving? Mine went terrific! I ate, said hi to everybody, then hid in my room on my computer until my dad made me spend some time with my cousin who's like 3 days younger than me and told me to go ride around the property with the four wheelers. He ended up crashing in a deep ditch he didn't see and broke his hand. Luckily it isn't that bad and will heal quickly. So yeah that was my Thanksgiving.

I mostly played outside with my two neighbors, one of them which was my best friend so we just hung out, joked around. My best friends, mom's friends kid was out with us to he was a little insane, (good thing im really good with kids:p) he attacked me a couple of times and I got a big cut from his finger nails across my hand. After that I went back inside ate with my family then played video games the rest of the day while eating 3 pieces of HOMEMADE cheesecake. I HAD A GREAT DAY xD
I mostly played outside with my two neighbors, one of them which was my best friend so we just hung out, joked around. My best friends, mom's friends kid was out with us to he was a little insane, (good thing im really good with kids:p) he attacked me a couple of times and I got a big cut from his finger nails across my hand. After that I went back inside ate with my family then played video games the rest of the day while eating 3 pieces of HOMEMADE cheesecake. I HAD A GREAT DAY xD
Tsk, tsk, Grayson, such chaos. :lol:

Ate dinner with my mom and taught her how to animate. :cool:
My holidays are so eventful.

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