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Do you have a laundry basket? Try putting some yummies under a laundry basket outside for the bird to go into. Once it gets in you can throw a towel over it to be safe but most of the time the bird would just panic trying to get out not knowing how to.
Do you have a laundry basket? Try putting some yummies under a laundry basket outside for the bird to go into. Once it gets in you can throw a towel over it to be safe but most of the time the bird would just panic trying to get out not knowing how to.
I've got a plastic tub that should do the trick. Once I get it coming to feed, I'll stick it out there. Can't seem to find him right now...
So how was everyone's Thanksgiving? Mine went terrific! I ate, said hi to everybody, then hid in my room on my computer until my dad made me spend some time with my cousin who's like 3 days younger than me and told me to go ride around the property with the four wheelers. He ended up crashing in a deep ditch he didn't see and broke his hand. Luckily it isn't that bad and will heal quickly. So yeah that was my Thanksgiving.

It was just the immediate family over here (mom, dad, sisters.) so that was fun, minus the fact that most of the day I was in an anti-social mood, and hid in the other room most of the day.
Hey, guys? There's a budgie in my yard and I'm trying to catch it before it freezes to death. What do I do?

What do they like to eat? I can try budgie noises, if my stupid tablet will work outside.
If it's been outside for awhile, I wouldn't doubt that it's been treating itself to birdseed.
Any small seeds for wild finches and such would work as bait... otherwise, I'm at loss besides a net. :/

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