«We Could be Heroes» chatterbox

.... :love you're adorable...
Hey @Fanci Feathers Marans, how are you envisioning the Silence to be like (what it looks like, what happens there, do the inhumans interact with each other, etc)? And, do you think I can have a new character who is already imprisoned in the Silence?
Sure you can!
The Silence is (obviously) by the ocean, and the prison cells are clear, orb-shaped hypersleep devices that tend to the physical needs of their prisoners. None of the emotional. The orbs generally lie on flat ground or sand to prevent rolling.

There are many Silences, and more to come. ~fools said I you do not know. Silence like a cancer grows~

Appearance of cells:
-think like clear pokéballs-

Inhumans must assume fetal position to fit inside. If one ever awakes/fights off hypersleep, they will die. One cannot break out of an orb once inside.

Only can be opened from outside, and only with facial recognition. If the person opening it is stressed, it is harder for the tech to recognize the face, and therefore won't open.

The orbs can be easily pushed around or rolled. They do float.

The orbs are pretty well protected in and of themselves, since they can't open without a specific face. But it needs to be kept secret. Originals guard the sounds. Not just because of political reasons, but also because they are very good at killing things.

~people talking without speaking. People hearing without listening~
A powerful telekinectic (person with telekinesis) connects everyone's brains in the Sound in hopes that they will one day find a way out.
Envision yourself in a place of all white, with peoples voices written from thin air. Words come and go, but never a face or a voice. Some days you'll see the scripts of 10,000 people talking at once, sometimes you'll see nothing at all. You try to speak normally, but your voice doesn't come that way. It comes through writing.
Words disappear as you forget them.

~people writing songs that voices never shared~
Those who died or woke up wanted their knowledge to live on. They wanted made it into something that could be easily memorized, even after they escaped. Song. From seventies beats to futuristic rap. Notes and words passed from one brain to the next, kept only by those who care to commit it to memory.

How is that?
well that took forever... i've got up to p.560 copied and hopefully makes some sense. not posted on the website yet. I'll likely be OFFLINE all day tomorrow my sister and her 2 kids are coming over. :th

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