*°Hell as White as Snow°* (A Role Play)

Janette straightened up with the pot tucked securely under one arm. "None of us understand anything about this situation, as far as I know," she said quietly. It was all terribly concerning and worrisome. There was just no explanation for why this select group—if it was that—would be deposited in this freezing land.

Nora had sorted all the food and provisions that they had gathered. The finally had enough blankets for everyone to have one. And they had more clothes to hand out now too which would be nice. She looked around for Janette, when she saw her outside the cave she decided to would just wait until she got back by the fire to ask what she thought we should do for dinner.

Nigel nodded at Janette, she was right no one really knew what was going on. He certainly felt like the others were dealing with it better then he was. He noticed movement in the distance and squinted his eyes to look out across the expanse. "I think I see the other group, looks like they are coming back. looks like they found at least one new person." He said to Janette as he pointed in their direction.
Ian nodded solemnly as he listened to the boy's words. That was a dismal idea, that there was no one but this small group left. "Do you know where you are?" He asked.
"Where I am?" Bobo questioned, thinking hard.
"Uh, no, I do not. Never been in a place like this, America was never so harsh." He admitted honestly, obviously very confused about where they were. He knew nothing about this place, was it the same for everyone else?
Nora had sorted all the food and provisions that they had gathered. The finally had enough blankets for everyone to have one. And they had more clothes to hand out now too which would be nice. She looked around for Janette, when she saw her outside the cave she decided to would just wait until she got back by the fire to ask what she thought we should do for dinner.

Nigel nodded at Janette, she was right no one really knew what was going on. He certainly felt like the others were dealing with it better then he was. He noticed movement in the distance and squinted his eyes to look out across the expanse. "I think I see the other group, looks like they are coming back. looks like they found at least one new person." He said to Janette as he pointed in their direction.
Janette looked ahead in the distance long enough to confirm Nigelms guess. "I'd better go help Nora, then. Who knows what kind of condition they'll be in." She adjusted the pot once more and headed inside to the fire.
"Where I am?" Bobo questioned, thinking hard.
"Uh, no, I do not. Never been in a place like this, America was never so harsh." He admitted honestly, obviously very confused about where they were. He knew nothing about this place, was it the same for everyone else?
Ian moved to Madeleine's side to check on the baby. "How is she?" He asked—by which he meant, was she still alive.

Madeleine glanced over her shoulder at Bobo before replying in a whisper. "Je don't think elle est going to make it," she said, looking down at Sabah with eyes full of worry. She shifted the position of the infant in her arms, making sure to secure the jacket around her as she did so to prevent cold air getting to her body.
Janette looked ahead in the distance long enough to confirm Nigelms guess. "I'd better go help Nora, then. Who knows what kind of condition they'll be in." She adjusted the pot once more and headed inside to the fire.

Nigel stayed at the mouth of the cave and watched as the others approached.

Nora saw Janette come in towards the fire. "Hey what do you thing we should prepare for dinner? There is a good size bag of dehydrated stew, not sure on the protein source though as the tag is worn." Nora said as she held to bag out to Janette curiously. Stew sounded really nice right now with the cold weather.
Ian moved to Madeleine's side to check on the baby. "How is she?" He asked—by which he meant, was she still alive.

Madeleine glanced over her shoulder at Bobo before replying in a whisper. "Je don't think elle est going to make it," she said, looking down at Sabah with eyes full of worry. She shifted the position of the infant in her arms, making sure to secure the jacket around her as she did so to prevent cold air getting to her body.

As the attention was turned to Sabah, Bobo walked to Madeleine to check on his sister, and he knew she didn't look good.

He reached out and gently held the one hand Sabah was using to hold onto the jacket with a few fingers, and said something to her gently in his native language, which he knew that even a child as young as Sabah would better recognize. It was a well-known blessing in his home, but he wasn't sure if there was any saving her, even if the spirits were involved, it wasn't her fate.
Nigel stayed at the mouth of the cave and watched as the others approached.

Nora saw Janette come in towards the fire. "Hey what do you thing we should prepare for dinner? There is a good size bag of dehydrated stew, not sure on the protein source though as the tag is worn." Nora said as she held to bag out to Janette curiously. Stew sounded really nice right now with the cold weather.
"That sounds good," Janette said absentmindedly. She set the pot down near enough to fire, but not directly on in order to leave Nora plenty of room to cook.
As the attention was turned to Sabah, Bobo walked to Madeleine to check on his sister, and he knew she didn't look good.

He reached out and gently held the one hand Sabah was using to hold onto the jacket with a few fingers, and said something to her gently in his native language, which he knew that even a child as young as Sabah would better recognize. It was a well-known blessing in his home, but he wasn't sure if there was any saving her, even if the spirits were involved, it wasn't her fate.
"Where do vous come from?" Madeleine asked gently, looking curiously at the boy. Dierk had talked to him earlier, but she hadn't been able to catch any of the conversation to know any more than his name.

Ian sped up his step to arrive at the cave before the others. In case they weren't aware, he thought to prepare them for the new arrivals.
"That sounds good," Janette said absentmindedly. She set the pot down near enough to fire, but not directly on in order to leave Nora plenty of room to cook.

Nigel waved to Ian as he got closer to the cave ahead of the rest of the group.

Nora got to work re hydrating and cooking the stew. With that going in one pot she got some of the potatoes that had been brought back and set to work cooking those to mash up. She figured it would go great with the stew on top of them, and it would make for a more hearty meal. She tuned out most everything else while she cooked.
"Where do vous come from?" Madeleine asked gently, looking curiously at the boy. Dierk had talked to him earlier, but she hadn't been able to catch any of the conversation to know any more than his name.

Ian sped up his step to arrive at the cave before the others. In case they weren't aware, he thought to prepare them for the new arrivals.

"My home is Ghana." Bobo told them, sighing as he thought about how much he missed that place.
"But if you mean most recent place, I'm from somewhere in the America. But what state, I do not know."
He spoke to Madeleine, but kept his eyes on Sabah. He couldn't bare to ignore her at a time like this, where he could lose the last person who was close to him and dear to him, even if she was only an infant.
"Your accent I don't recognize," Bobo stated, gesturing to Madeleine, "Where did you come from?"

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