*°Hell as White as Snow°* (A Role Play)

"My home is Ghana." Bobo told them, sighing as he thought about how much he missed that place.
"But if you mean most recent place, I'm from somewhere in the America. But what state, I do not know."
He spoke to Madeleine, but kept his eyes on Sabah. He couldn't bare to ignore her at a time like this, where he could lose the last person who was close to him and dear to him, even if she was only an infant.
"Your accent I don't recognize," Bobo stated, gesturing to Madeleine, "Where did you come from?"
"Oh! Ghana," Madeleine said softly.
She glanced down at Sabah then to her brother, a thin smile across her lips. Their bond was a close one, undoubtedly, and it made her strangely happy. "Je suis Français—from France. But, je lived dans l'America the past year that je can remember."

(States weren't created in the 1600s, FYI :p )
Nigel waved to Ian as he got closer to the cave ahead of the rest of the group.

Nora got to work re hydrating and cooking the stew. With that going in one pot she got some of the potatoes that had been brought back and set to work cooking those to mash up. She figured it would go great with the stew on top of them, and it would make for a more hearty meal. She tuned out most everything else while she cooked.
Janette pulled some of the blankets they had gathered out to prepare for the newcomers.
Janette pulled some of the blankets they had gathered out to prepare for the newcomers.

Nora worked to get the potatoes mashed up with a fork and then set them aside so she could tend to the stew. She inhaled the wonderful smells coming from the fire and smiled as her stomach growled. She didn't know how many people she was going to be feeding so she hoped there would be enough without having to make more. But thankfully canned and dehydrated foods were almost ready to eat meals.

Nigel called out to Ian from the entrance of the cave. "Come on in, we have more food and blankets." He was happy to see the other group had made it back safely.
"Oh! Ghana," Madeleine said softly.
She glanced down at Sabah then to her brother, a thin smile across her lips. Their bond was a close one, undoubtedly, and it made her strangely happy. "Je suis Français—from France. But, je lived dans l'America the past year that je can remember."

(States weren't created in the 1600s, FYI :p )

(CRAP! :lol: My logic was that if America was a thing, why wouldn't it have states? I should have listened to everything I read!)

Bobo nodded at this information, that would explain her partial-English, mixed with something he wholeheartedly could not understand.
Now that that was out of the way, he decided to question some more about different details he was slowly noticing.
"Never seen clothing like that." He stated conversationally to Madeleine, as he glanced up at the cave they were quickly approaching, "That is what is worn in...France? It's different."
(CRAP! :lol: My logic was that if America was a thing, why wouldn't it have states? I should have listened to everything I read!)

Bobo nodded at this information, that would explain her partial-English, mixed with something he wholeheartedly could not understand.
Now that that was out of the way, he decided to question some more about different details he was slowly noticing.
"Never seen clothing like that." He stated conversationally to Madeleine, as he glanced up at the cave they were quickly approaching, "That is what is worn in...France? It's different."
Madeleine was taken aback by his question, but quickly recovered herself when she realized the contrast in their outfits. "Non, ce not necessarily what le French wear, but le people from ma time." She frowned at her wording. He wasn't going to understand that as no one had yet explained the time variations they found themselves to be in.

Ian beckoned the group to hurry as they neared the entrance. He entered ahead of the rest and Janette shoved a blanket into his arms. "We found enough to go around," she explained as she did so.

Nora worked to get the potatoes mashed up with a fork and then set them aside so she could tend to the stew. She inhaled the wonderful smells coming from the fire and smiled as her stomach growled. She didn't know how many people she was going to be feeding so she hoped there would be enough without having to make more. But thankfully canned and dehydrated foods were almost ready to eat meals.

Nigel called out to Ian from the entrance of the cave. "Come on in, we have more food and blankets." He was happy to see the other group had made it back safely.
Madeleine was taken aback by his question, but quickly recovered herself when she realized the contrast in their outfits. "Non, ce not necessarily what le French wear, but le people from ma time." She frowned at her wording. He wasn't going to understand that as no one had yet explained the time variations they found themselves to be in.

Ian beckoned the group to hurry as they neared the entrance. He entered ahead of the rest and Janette shoved a blanket into his arms. "We found enough to go around," she explained as she did so.

Bobo was slightly puzzled with Madeleine's explanation, but was tired of talking for now, and knew there was a lot more talking to come, so he shrugged off her words and walked into the cave with a sense of intimidation.

He looked to the others that occupied the cave with some curiosity, since he had never met so many new, and supposedly nice people all at once. Absolutely everything was new, and he was still just a 19 year-old boy, so of course he would still be interested and curious about so many things.

Bobo didn't introduce himself, and instead stood in the background while he observed everything. He didn't want to talk if it wasn't necessary.
Madeleine was taken aback by his question, but quickly recovered herself when she realized the contrast in their outfits. "Non, ce not necessarily what le French wear, but le people from ma time." She frowned at her wording. He wasn't going to understand that as no one had yet explained the time variations they found themselves to be in.

Ian beckoned the group to hurry as they neared the entrance. He entered ahead of the rest and Janette shoved a blanket into his arms. "We found enough to go around," she explained as she did so.

Bobo was slightly puzzled with Madeleine's explanation, but was tired of talking for now, and knew there was a lot more talking to come, so he shrugged off her words and walked into the cave with a sense of intimidation.

He looked to the others that occupied the cave with some curiosity, since he had never met so many new, and supposedly nice people all at once. Absolutely everything was new, and he was still just a 19 year-old boy, so of course he would still be interested and curious about so many things.

Bobo didn't introduce himself, and instead stood in the background while he observed everything. He didn't want to talk if it wasn't necessary.

Nigel watched the other group come in and go towards the fire. He noticed they had a newcomer with them as well. He was surprised they found anyone at all, although he survived so he supposed he shouldn't be too surprised.

Nora put the pots of food around the fire to keep them warm but not cooking. She stood up and took in the others as they came in and stood by the fire. She noticed Bobo right away given his dark skin and lack of clothes. She grabbed a blanket from the stack and moved over to hand it to him. She was concerned by his lack of clothes and hoped he didn't have frost bite or anything. That was when she noticed Sabah in Madeleine arms. She gasped as she grabbed another blanket and rushed it to her to begin trying to warm the little girl. She grabbed the girls wrist and attempted to feel for a pulse. She may have only been a vet but she still understood enough and knew enough to provide the basics.
Bobo was slightly puzzled with Madeleine's explanation, but was tired of talking for now, and knew there was a lot more talking to come, so he shrugged off her words and walked into the cave with a sense of intimidation.

He looked to the others that occupied the cave with some curiosity, since he had never met so many new, and supposedly nice people all at once. Absolutely everything was new, and he was still just a 19 year-old boy, so of course he would still be interested and curious about so many things.

Bobo didn't introduce himself, and instead stood in the background while he observed everything. He didn't want to talk if it wasn't necessary.
Nigel watched the other group come in and go towards the fire. He noticed they had a newcomer with them as well. He was surprised they found anyone at all, although he survived so he supposed he shouldn't be too surprised.

Nora put the pots of food around the fire to keep them warm but not cooking. She stood up and took in the others as they came in and stood by the fire. She noticed Bobo right away given his dark skin and lack of clothes. She grabbed a blanket from the stack and moved over to hand it to him. She was concerned by his lack of clothes and hoped he didn't have frost bite or anything. That was when she noticed Sabah in Madeleine arms. She gasped as she grabbed another blanket and rushed it to her to begin trying to warm the little girl. She grabbed the girls wrist and attempted to feel for a pulse. She may have only been a vet but she still understood enough and knew enough to provide the basics.
"Nora, this is Bobo and his sister, Sabah," Ian explained.

Janette looked up but didn't move to acknowledge them. Not yet. This would certinaly be conerning to the boy who she placed by his clothes to be from a very different time.

Madeleine looked worriedly from Nora to the baby for her verdict. "Est Elle going to be okay?" She asked worriedly.
"Nora, this is Bobo and his sister, Sabah," Ian explained.

Janette looked up but didn't move to acknowledge them. Not yet. This would certinaly be conerning to the boy who she placed by his clothes to be from a very different time.

Madeleine looked worriedly from Nora to the baby for her verdict. "Est Elle going to be okay?" She asked worriedly.

Nigel just stood back and watched, he didn't want to jump in now and make things weird. So he decided to stay at the entrance of the cave. He moved towards the exit and leaned against the wall looking out over the darkening snow scape. He was still troubled by what he had seen earlier and now with all this drama it clearly wasn't the time to mention it. So instead he just turned his eyes outward to keep watch, for whatever was out there, or whoever.

Nora looked nervously up at Madeleine when she spoke, she didn't want to get anyone's hopes up. "May I?" She asked as she gestured to take the child closer to the fire for a closer inspection. She was very worried for the child, she was practically skin and bones which was never good for anything this young, human or animal. She also could barely feel a pulse. She thought that maybe it was just her, she wasn't a real doctor after all, perhaps she got it wrong. But she knew that wasn't it, this child was clearly not long for this world. So she decided to treat like she would any critical case at her practice, regardless of whether this was a human or not. She would do everything in her power with whatever she had available to try and keep this precious little life in this world. "Bring her closer to the fire and get as many blankets as you can, while I look her over we need to warm her up. Also someone get some warm but not hot water from that pot over there." She said with authority as if she were back in her office with her staff.

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