*°Hell as White as Snow°* (A Role Play)

Nigel just stood back and watched, he didn't want to jump in now and make things weird. So he decided to stay at the entrance of the cave. He moved towards the exit and leaned against the wall looking out over the darkening snow scape. He was still troubled by what he had seen earlier and now with all this drama it clearly wasn't the time to mention it. So instead he just turned his eyes outward to keep watch, for whatever was out there, or whoever.

Nora looked nervously up at Madeleine when she spoke, she didn't want to get anyone's hopes up. "May I?" She asked as she gestured to take the child closer to the fire for a closer inspection. She was very worried for the child, she was practically skin and bones which was never good for anything this young, human or animal. She also could barely feel a pulse. She thought that maybe it was just her, she wasn't a real doctor after all, perhaps she got it wrong. But she knew that wasn't it, this child was clearly not long for this world. So she decided to treat like she would any critical case at her practice, regardless of whether this was a human or not. She would do everything in her power with whatever she had available to try and keep this precious little life in this world. "Bring her closer to the fire and get as many blankets as you can, while I look her over we need to warm her up. Also someone get some warm but not hot water from that pot over there." She said with authority as if she were back in her office with her staff.
Madeleine carefully cradled the baby as she made her way to the warmth of the fire. She was reluctant to give up Sabah at first, having already formed a strange but motherly attatchment to her, but she knew that only Nora had the expertise necessary if they hoped to save her. "Here," she said quietly as she held her out.

Janette immediately reached for the pot of water to do her share of the help, while Ian went to get more blankets from the stash they had found.
Madeleine carefully cradled the baby as she made her way to the warmth of the fire. She was reluctant to give up Sabah at first, having already formed a strange but motherly attatchment to her, but she knew that only Nora had the expertise necessary if they hoped to save her. "Here," she said quietly as she held her out.

Janette immediately reached for the pot of water to do her share of the help, while Ian went to get more blankets from the stash they had found.

Nora seeing how Madeleine didn't want to relinquish the child and she understood, so she shook her head. "Its ok for you to hold her for now if you like, it will help keep her warm, just sit close to the fire." She said with a kind smile as she moved some of the coat that the child was wrapped in so she could put her ear to the girls chest. She wanted to hear and feel this child's heart beat just to be sure and confirm what her pulse told her. Nora then nodded making a mental note of the girls vitals as best she could as she moved up to her face and lifted her eye lids to check her pupil response and then looked into her mouth as well. "Alright we need to warm her up, that is priority number one, second we need to get some fluids in her, a drip would be best but we don't have needles or a solution so we are going old school." She said to the group before pulling Ian and Janette aside to speak quietly to. "Without needles, tubing and solution I can't give her fluids, we can try to drip or syringe water down her throat, but its risky she could aspirate. We need her to come around enough to drink something and preferably eat something. If she doesn't recoup some of the lost energy she will die. She is very weak as it is. Any ideas? I know we have some dehydrated porridge that we could make up for her to eat, but I don't know how to get her to wake up enough to eat it." She said solemnly, she could slowly feed the girl but she needed to be somewhat conscious for that to work.
Nora seeing how Madeleine didn't want to relinquish the child and she understood, so she shook her head. "Its ok for you to hold her for now if you like, it will help keep her warm, just sit close to the fire." She said with a kind smile as she moved some of the coat that the child was wrapped in so she could put her ear to the girls chest. She wanted to hear and feel this child's heart beat just to be sure and confirm what her pulse told her. Nora then nodded making a mental note of the girls vitals as best she could as she moved up to her face and lifted her eye lids to check her pupil response and then looked into her mouth as well. "Alright we need to warm her up, that is priority number one, second we need to get some fluids in her, a drip would be best but we don't have needles or a solution so we are going old school." She said to the group before pulling Ian and Janette aside to speak quietly to. "Without needles, tubing and solution I can't give her fluids, we can try to drip or syringe water down her throat, but its risky she could aspirate. We need her to come around enough to drink something and preferably eat something. If she doesn't recoup some of the lost energy she will die. She is very weak as it is. Any ideas? I know we have some dehydrated porridge that we could make up for her to eat, but I don't know how to get her to wake up enough to eat it." She said solemnly, she could slowly feed the girl but she needed to be somewhat conscious for that to work.
Madeleine obeyed, moving as close to the fire as she deemed safe. She situated herself comfortably and rebundled the coat when Nora finished.

Janette and Ian listened intently. "Could you try just using a finger, for now, to give her water?"
Ian suggested, rather ignorantly, he was sure. He'd never been around children that young that often, so he was just spouting what came to mind.
Madeleine obeyed, moving as close to the fire as she deemed safe. She situated herself comfortably and rebundled the coat when Nora finished.

Janette and Ian listened intently. "Could you try just using a finger, for now, to give her water?"
Ian suggested, rather ignorantly, he was sure. He'd never been around children that young that often, so he was just spouting what came to mind.

Nora looked worriedly back to Sabah then to Janette and Ian. "I will make it work, do all I can but we need to be ready in case this goes south. She is extremely malnourished and dehydrated, plus she is very weak. But I will do my best, do you think I should tell the others and her brother how bad it is so they can prepare mentally for it? It doesn't seem right to lie to them." She said grimly, she never liked to give owners too much hope at her practice when things were bleak. She would always assure them that she would do everything in her power, but when bad case came in she wanted them prepared for the worst.

(@Garjzla Don't know if you want to chime in with Bobo at all, also let me know if you are wanting to do something special or specific with Sabah. And I am going to initiate the beginning of the end for Nigel! )
Nigel saw the flurry of things happening in the cave to try and save the little girl. His heart ached he never liked seeing them go when they were so young, but even with Nora's care he had a bad feeling about whether or not she would make it. He glanced back out over the snow and stilled. Off in the distance he could swear he could see figures watching the cave. It was too far away to make out any details but they looked human. He watched them for a few moments until one moved and he was sure they were human. He looked back into the cave, they were in a crisis moment and he didn't want to distract them with such a trivial matter. He looked back to the figures and made a decision. He set out into the cold dark snow filled night and headed in the direction of the figures, but doing well enough to stay low so they wouldn't see him. He planned to sneak up on them and see for himself who they were and what they were doing. Only when he had answers would he bother the rest of the group. They had enough on their plates right now with Sabah, he would pull his weight and get the answers he needed.
(Gahh, sorry guys. I made a role play and suddenly that was all I could handle. I'll try to reply to this later, I'm going to attempt to not abandon you guys on this. :he)

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