•STAR WARS & MARVEL (RP) “The SWaM Universe”•

In the center of the two galaxies, there is a planet called Orden (Or-den) which means “order”. Some leaders from the Levram Galaxy and Eniootat Galaxy collaborated and built a huge city over the whole planet- much like Eniootat’s Coruscant. It is a planet sworn to never be fought upon, and all wishing to visit must sign contracts of peace- fining citizens and visitors 500 dollars (or credits) to anyone who creates (or takes part in) riots, fights, or theft. The citizens of the planet boast that there hasn’t been shootouts in the bars or cantinas in over 10 years.
Yup! It’s in the Prologue.
I went and spammed the main marvel and SW threads with the thread link for this RP. If anyone's interested from those they should be along shortly.
Thank you! I didn’t even know there were other SW and M threads! :O
Don't you see my title? I Iove star wars! But nope, never seen marvel...
well then you can stick to the Eniootat side of the galaxy.

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