•STAR WARS & MARVEL (RP) “The SWaM Universe”•

Hex narrowed her eyes and make a screeching sound. Her stomach rumbled loudly.
Charlie blinked. "Oh. I'm sorry." She slipped out of the cage and ran up the stairs to the kitchen. "Hmmmmmm..." She said opening the fridge. "No..." She went into their food storage and found what she was looking for. Synthesteak, the wrapper said, Just Add Water and Survive Any Conditions With A Luxury Meal!
"Okay, let's make about fifteen of these, then see how we're doing." Charlie filled the sink with water and placed seven Synthesteaks in, which was as much as she could fit.
Charlie blinked. "Oh. I'm sorry." She slipped out of the cage and ran up the stairs to the kitchen. "Hmmmmmm..." She said opening the fridge. "No..." She went into their food storage and found what she was looking for. Synthesteak, the wrapper said, Just Add Water and Survive Any Conditions With A Luxury Meal!
"Okay, let's make about fifteen of these, then see how we're doing." Charlie filled the sink with water and placed seven Synthesteaks in, which was as much as she could fit.
Charlie pulled those steaks out and placed seven more in. When they were finished, she took the towering bowl of Synthesteaks down to the cargo hold.
Didn’t see this one!

As a waitress gungan brought Ariel a piece of shaak meat, BB-12 rolled away from the small diner. As he made his way down the beautiful gold and turquoise hallways, he beeped lightly while watching the fish swim outside the huge protective bubble. Soon, he made his way to the kaadu pens. He found Ariel’s kaadu and beeped at her. BB always tried to tease or perform for the animal, and she always found BB amusing- although not sure what do do with the weird little scrap of metal.
Ariel murmured a "thank you" to the waitress and began eating, somewhat absent-mindedly. He had a lot on his mind.

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