~●~ Survival Shift ~●~ A Survival Role Play!

Oliva giggled.
Caroline didn't move.

Maya didn't hear him.
The guy walked off.
Elizabeth didn't hear her, she was thinking too hard.

Ryan shifted and looked at Ariaan with a goofy grin. He waved. " Hello."
Justin looked at the apple.

Lexi glared at him for a few more minutes. " 2nd batch. Joe. Lived…" She stopped, blushing. " Sorry…" She stammered. Had she given away herself?
Crystal stopped and stayed still.
Dylan smiled and asked, " What now?"
Oliva giggled.
Caroline didn't move.

Maya didn't hear him.
The guy walked off.
Elizabeth didn't hear her, she was thinking too hard.

Ryan shifted and looked at Ariaan with a goofy grin. He waved. " Hello."
Justin looked at the apple.

Lexi glared at him for a few more minutes. " 2nd batch. Joe. Lived…" She stopped, blushing. " Sorry…" She stammered. Had she given away herself?
Shasta shifted then stared af Lexi, confused. "What??"

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