~●~ Survival Shift ~●~ A Survival Role Play!

( I PMed you)

Maya looked weakly up and him. "Do want you need to do to let me walk." She replied slowly, with fear in her voice.
Mark nodded and left her quickly then returned with some pieces of wood, hides and rope before he started trying to fix her arm and leg.
Maya screamed in pain as he started to work. "OMG, Mark, I'm so sorry, but it hurts so much."
"Scream, curse, whatever you feel the need to" Mark sad as he worked. He knew setting the bones hurt, but he also knew it was important as he placed the sticks and fur to keep her from getting hurt more later.He didn't stop until he had both done, then he sat back to breath
Maya stopped cursing and screaming when Mark stopped.
Mark sighed and looked to her, reaching to touch her forehead gently "Try to rest now. Alright?" He said then leaned over to kiss her temple before getting up to make her something for the pain

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