*☆Following the Northern Star☆* (A Pirate RP In The 17th Century)

( I'm free?)

(You playing with anyone? If not I'll play with you
Avery shyly walked over to the young man. She had been given orders to service any passengers who were in need. "Hello." She was soft spoken and struggled to be heard in the noisy room, so she smiled shyly, feeling slighty ashamed that her sweet voice was very low.
(Is that The Doctor on your avatar
(yup :) )

Owen looked over at her and gave a small wave. "Hello." he said equally as quietly.
Judging by Alice's clothes and the fact that she was dining first class, Charlotte figured Alice was a daughter of some wealthy lord or such. "If I may introduce myself," Charlotte curtsied.

Alice gave Charlotte a small curtsy, hoping that the women would leave her be. "You may." She said quietly.

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