🚨 Judging Time Help Wanted🚨

ALSO...They are NOT a lot 10s in the group of pictures.
If you are giving out 10s freely, please judge the pictures a little bit harder/tougher.

Judging is not a job for everyone, and it takes lots of practice to be able to score pictures fairly and appropriately.
ALSO...They are NOT a lot 10s in the group of pictures.
If you are giving out 10s freely please judge the pictures a little bit harder.

Judging is not a job for everyone, and it takes lots of practice to be able to score pictures fairly and appropriately.
I haven't given out any 10s yet :oops:
Two columns?
Yes nutter. You should only be clicking on the link in column D to view the picture then typing your score into column O. You can glimpse at column F if you want but column F should not make a difference when it comes to scoring.
Yes nutter. You should only be clicking on the link in column D to view the picture then typing your score into column O. You can glimpse at column F if you want but column F should not make a difference when it comes to scoring.
Oh, sorry. I thought you meant something else. Silly me. :thumbsup

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