1 Breed of Chickens, PLEASE SOUND OFF!!!!! thank you

Buff O.'s
I wish I had more experience with a larger variety of breeds to really pick a favorite based on temperament and egg laying etc. But being as I don't, I can only go by what I Do have experience with. And of all the chicks I have I would have to say that my BO girls are my favorite. They ALL have great temperaments and love being with me. They don't make much noise or cause much fuss. And I LOVE their big round shape and very soft feathers.
I think my Standard Cornish are really cool. They can look intimidating, but they are the most genlte birds. They are close feathered and always look neatly groomed.

Their feathering pattern is intricate, and almost delicate for such a large bird.

The roos are very good to their girls, no need for saddles, and they call them over when they find a tasy treat.

I have never had a roo or hen become truculent. I can walk into a coop and pick up any bird without having to chase them around.

They lay a good sized brown egg, they are excellent foragers, excellent mothers, and also make a great meat bird.

All around they are awesome birds.
From my experience!

meaning I have had these for more than 2 years ( gone beyond the pullet year! & I have had more than 10 from different strains! (because it is hard to judge a whole breed from on 5 chickens you got from one place) large fowl I can judge Easter Eggers, Cochins, Brahmas, Rode Island Reds & Plymouth Rock!

consistency in personality, egg laying & meat qualities I have to say Plymouth Rock!

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