1-Day-Old Not Doing Well


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 8, 2009
Oregon, WI
Our chickens arrived this morning. All (but one) look fantastic. I can't believe how much 26 chickens can eat and drink!

One little guy is just not doing well. He (or she) doesn't open his eyes. I don't know if he has ever opened his eyes. His little feet are curled as if still in the egg. All the other chicks have sturdy little tripods, he wobbles around on floppy little hooks. He drinks only when his beak is dipped into the water and then wanders off to be by himself. I don't think he's eaten a thing. It's been 12 hours since we got the phone call from the post office. He's been in the brooder for 10 hours. The temperature is more than comfortable for the other birds who are starting to scamper about cheerfully and are not huddled either under the heat lamp or far from it.

Is this little guy just failing to thrive or should we try more hands-on care-taking methods?

Thanks for any advice.
Hope your little chickie will come around!!
good luck with your chicks!!!

I also got my 26 RIR with the rare chick this moring and boy can they eat. all are doing well running around in the brooder peeping.

Newbie here so just guessing but have you checked for pasty butt? One of my chicks has this. It is where the vent clogs up with dried poo and can kill them if not gently cleaned off (I used warm water and a cloth but took a lot of patience and gentleness) and I was advised to put vaseline on the area to make it easier to clean the next time.
UPDATE: Thanks for all the words of encouragement. We did get the little guy to drink on his own with repeated attempts at dipping his beak in the water. And, his eyes were both open. So, it's down to just his curled feet and making sure he starts to eat.

I'll do a general vent check on all of them in the morning, too.

Let him get a little stronger and if his feet are still curled then make him some boots! His feet might uncurl once he feels better, but if not do a search for curled feet. The feet are the easy part!! They usually can be fixed pretty easy!! Good luck!
give your weak chick some honey. You can put it on the tip of your finger and then run your finger under the tip of the beak so just a tiny drop goes up into the beak. At first I just give what I can get on the very tip of my finger from one dip in the honey. As the chick grows stronger I give two or three dips worth of honey at a time. Give the honey about once every 30 minutes until you see marked improvement. Then you can start giving the chick wet starter instead and eventually get him eating on his own.

The honey is a great source of supportive energy and unless the chick is failing to thrive it almost always works to perk up a weak one.
I gave my weak one minerals and electrolytes. It can be found where you buy your feed. It's like gatorade for chicks. The honey can give a quick boost also. Beware of pasty butt when adding anything like this. I wouldn't give it more than a day or two. If the chick is still weak it may just not be strong enough to make it. Good Luck and i hope the chick pulls thru. O yea... Welcome to BYC

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