1 egg 2 weeks ago, is it possible!?!


5 Years
Oct 8, 2014
My three girls (dorking, wyandotte, java) are 25 weeks old and my Java started laying at 23 1/2 weeks and is now consistently producing cute little tan eggs. My silver grey dorking laid her first egg 2 weeks ago and I haven't seen one since!! She laid in the coop and I've searched the entire thing and haven't found anymore. They roam the yard for a few hours a few afternoons a week but I haven't heard the egg laying song when they are out and we've searched the yard for eggs and nada! So, is it possible that she laid her first and only egg 2 weeks ago??!
Pullets aren't the most reliant layers in the world and do make mistakes. It is also possible that she isn't laying because she became broody or she is in a molt.

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