1 more ??...how do you find the "stinky" egg?

I have 9 eggs in the bator and 3 chicks in a brooder box in a spare room and I went in to check and noticed this strong foul odor. Investigating, I realized that my dog was behind me and farted!
Holy Cow!

I didn't know they could actually explode either! I am glad I read this one!

I just out some eggs in the bator about an hour ago & this is my 1st time. I hope that doesn't happen. UGH! Good luck!:|
My biggest fear is an exploding egg in the 'bator!
That is a big fear of mine, too. I just put 27 Buff orp eggs in the bator. I don't want that stink all over my new bator or the other eggs. I will try to watch closely. The bad news is I will be gone on the 6th-9th days. I will candle at 5 (since I'm going to be gone) and then on the 10th day.

Is there a specific time that these stinkers can blow? I mean closer to one day of incubation?

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