1 out of 3 laying


Apr 28, 2021
Hi all,
So of my 3 hens 1 Anya is laying small eggs. The 2 salmon Favorelles have not, Willow acts like she is going to but nothing. Buffy has not shown any nesting behavior, actually she sometimes seems to be afraid of Xander , she will not let him near him but other times she is fine roosting next to him. The girls don't seem very happy about him trying to mate them. Could it be the stress why Buffy seems behind? Also should I be giving them any supplements now that they are laying age. I changed them to the layer feed,but wasn't sure if should be doing anything else. Any suggestions on Xander, he can get a little bit of bully when wanting to mate them I told him No meant No, he isn't listening at times. Is only having 3 hens ro 1 rooster an issue?
The girls don't seem very happy about him trying to mate them. Could it be the stress why Buffy seems behind?
Stress from cockerel harassment can definitely affect laying.

Any suggestions on Xander, he can get a little bit of bully when wanting to mate them I told him No meant No, he isn't listening at times. Is only having 3 hens ro 1 rooster an issue?
:gig :gig :gig
Of course he's not listening, he's not a trainable dog ;)

No matter the number of males to females, males can be too aggressive.
I'd suggest you get rid of him.
How old are they? different breeds lay at different ages. Also, most hens don't lay every day. Having a rooster doesn't affect laying but most people have at least 8 hens per rooster and it sounds like he's overmating them.
25 weeks. 2 will let him every so often but Buffy doesn't want anything to do with it.
this is my first time on backyardchickens.com, thank yall for the help! I have another question (maybe i should start a new post), but all my chickens are wanting to lay in one nesting box. I built my own coop and built 8 nesting boxes, 4 on one side and 4 on the other, all exactly the same. My Golden sex link (Belle) started laying at 16-17 weeks, and the other chickens followed suit about 3-7 weeks later. They all want to lay in Belle's nesting box, and I can't seem to get them to lay in other boxes. I've used ceramic eggs in other boxes to encourage laying there, but to no avail. They will even wait for each other to finish so they can all use the same box! Any suggestions?
this is my first time on backyardchickens.com, thank yall for the help! I have another question (maybe i should start a new post), but all my chickens are wanting to lay in one nesting box. I built my own coop and built 8 nesting boxes, 4 on one side and 4 on the other, all exactly the same. My Golden sex link (Belle) started laying at 16-17 weeks, and the other chickens followed suit about 3-7 weeks later. They all want to lay in Belle's nesting box, and I can't seem to get them to lay in other boxes. I've used ceramic eggs in other boxes to encourage laying there, but to no avail. They will even wait for each other to finish so they can all use the same box! Any suggestions?
That's not unusual, chickens will arbitrarily decide one box is the best and all they there for awhile until the new favorite is picked.
Here’s my hens who had that issue

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