1 week henniversary


10 Years
Jun 1, 2009
Pearl scared the bejeebers outta me! I went out there and she was laying down, but not the usual pre-lay-an-egg thing, I thought she was "gone". Wasn't until I got right up to her that she hopped up.
It's a pretty hot day, so I think that was a lot of it, she was maybe just napping in the shade.
It's funny how curious they are....she will shy away from actual petting (but getting way better about it already) but be right in the middle of whatever I'm doing in their pen... a little bit ago I was putting the door on where I had cut an opening on the back side of their house....sitting on the milk crate screwing the hinges to the wall of the house, she watched for a minute then PECKED the hinge. Just pecked it hard a couple times!
She nosed, or beaked, as the case may be, around that "new" door just the way my dogs investigate new things.
She's already gone all territorial in one short week!! She's already laid 5 eggs, so I guess she has a right to be!!
They sure are a pleasure.
I guess I assumed they were as rambunctious with a dust bath as, say, a sparrow? She was just so still! I've see the pre-lay thing but not a dust bath....are they just more calm about it than a bunch of crazy sparrows???

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