1 week old chick - "Gagging" behavior - what's wrong?? (video)


In the Brooder
11 Years
Feb 7, 2008
Our Australorp chick - 6 days old - keeps craning her neck and opening her beak, but not chirping when she does it. Her crop doesn't feel any bigger than the other chicks'. She's pooping. I (think) I attached a video so you can see. Any ideas?? Thanks!

*Does she seem to be drinking enough?? Not taking in enough liquid would be my first thought? Pooing normally? Not too dry or too small an amount?
She is drinking and pooing just fine.
She was away from her waterer at the time, and when she went back into the brooder, she did drink a lot. Maybe just a dry throat??
I think its normal. our chickens do it alot. They have food and water availible at all times and on pine shavings. I thought it was yawning or trying to crow. I might be wrong but thats what mine do as well
One of my big chickens was doing the same thing yesterday. She had been picking at a small bush and had a tiny stick in her throat.....once it was gone whe was fine. Since this guy is so tiny could it just be a piece of food or something in her throat?
Well, I feel better. Thanks everyone. At least it doesn't sound like it's something immediately life-threatening. Although,

that could be bad. We're only allowed hens, no roos!!

Boy, don't I feel like a new mom??!!

Thanks all, she seems just fine now. Peeping up a storm and roosting on everyone and everything.
Hey Alisa,
Our Australorp, Olympia, used to do that ALL THE TIME when she was a baby! We were so scared. But it's just yawning. Some of our new chicks do it a little, but Olympia did it a whole lot. I think your baby will be fine!

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