1 week! **Pic Heavy**


11 Years
Mar 26, 2008
San Antonio, TX
Okay I am a new chick mommy so I had to brag! My babies are 1 week old today!!!!! Except for our green one we rescued, he is a few days older I believe. I took some pics and recently read that the Easter dyed chicks are usually Broilers and as they grow their legs give out because of their weight. My son is VERY attached to his "Booger" lol, I would be sad to find that he is a Broiler. What do you all think?? Broiler chick??

They are outgrowing their box brooder!! :eek:


Delaware Pullet

Feathers growing in slower then the rest....




My East India ducklings are a week old today as well...


1 more thing if you guys can help!! The Orange/Buff looking chicks are roos Ideal sent with my order....WHAT ARE THEY?? LOL. I would like to put them on craigslist but have no idea what kind of chick they are. Thanks!
may not be a broiler could be a white leghorn roo but they only guarantee 90% accuracy on sexing usually leading towards males sold as pullets so maybe you got that one in a hundred roo thats really a hen but it does look like my white leghorn chicks and i hope it turns out to be so
How do ya dye the chick? Is it safe for the baby? I understand it only dyes the fluff and feathers come in the actual color, but I don't understand how you get them colored.
I have no idea! Good question?? I actually saved this little Easter chick from someone who had no clue about chicks! Well, I am new myself, but I was used to raising ducks, so I thought couldn't be too much harder, and actually...its easier!
She had this green one which we named "Booger" and a Blue one, but the little blue one did not make it, it died before I could go and pick them up!
Atleast our Booger is doing very well! I wonder if they just use a food coloring to do it....?
Thanks Leghorn dude, I am crossing my fingers hoping its a leghorn and not a broiler! My son would be devastated if it were a broiler, he is so attached to his Booger!
Awesome Chicks! (and ducks)
Booger is really cute! How many chickens do you have?
Right now I have 15 chickens and just the two East India ducklings. I am trying to sell my Buff looking babies, I am guessing Buff Orpingtons but some have said might be Buff Rocks... ? There are 7 of them. After they are gone I will only have 3 Delaware pullets and 3 Ancona Pullets and 1 Ancona Roo. Plus....Booger! since my son will not part! lol. I am pretty sure he will be a Roo, most of the Easter dyed chicks usually are.... :
Hi again,
My Bro. Wants some Orpingtons. How much would you want to sell any of them to me? If so how much?

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