1 year old STILL not egg laying

I have a yellow buff hen who was a year old in mid-Febuary. Last week or the week before she laid an egg. Two days later she laid another egg. But I have gotten nothing from her since. I bought two BB Red hens last week and the fellow said they were laying nothing as of yet. Last year I bought a pair of Black Old English bantams went to the pen to pick them up and she had just laid an egg. Fellow I got them from said she lays everyday. I got here and she never laid an egg. ( She died back in Febuary. Coon got her) I think I just have no egg laying luck.
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How small is your Serama? If she is teeny tiny, she may not lay anything. I have a very small serama hen that lays every now and then, the eggs are fertile, but I have yet to hatch any from her - they start to develop, but quit fairly early on
It stinks, but she has a home here anyway

As for the OP's hen... If she is your favorite, just enjoy having her around - she's cheaper to feed than a dog
If you don't want to put up with the no egg thing then I'd try to find her a pet only home or you could eat her, but I myself couldn't do the second choice
of my eleven 11 month old hens, 9 are laying (most started within the past month), and 2 are not yet. My brahma and one of my EEs are holding out....
I have one Brahma that lays every day, and a black copper Maran that dropped one beautiful dark brown egg six months ago when she first joined the Brahma but none since. I feel mixed about her. The Brahma lets me pick her up and hold her; the Maran says, No way! and skitters out of reach. That said, tthe Brahma was the only survivor of a raccoon attack and she was definitely lonely, which she is not anymore. So, the Maran stays. I'm wondering if she is capable of laying eggs after such a long dry stretch, say maybe in 5-6 months when springtime days get longer. Any opinions? (New York)
I have one Brahma that lays every day, and a black copper Maran that dropped one beautiful dark brown egg six months ago when she first joined the Brahma but none since. I feel mixed about her. The Brahma lets me pick her up and hold her; the Maran says, No way! and skitters out of reach. That said, tthe Brahma was the only survivor of a raccoon attack and she was definitely lonely, which she is not anymore. So, the Maran stays. I'm wondering if she is capable of laying eggs after such a long dry stretch, say maybe in 5-6 months when springtime days get longer. Any opinions? (New York)
Happy to report that my 9-month old Maran laid her first egg --at last! -- on the shortest day of the year, 12/21, Winter Solstice.

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