1 yr old hen sitting in nesting box x's 24 hours, not eating!!


9 Years
May 16, 2010
our one year old hen was fine until yesterday when we noticed that she'd been in the nesting box for a long time. We examined her for being egg bound, enlarged crop, issues with feet, signs of diarrhea,etc., but everything was normal - at least to our eyes. When we touch her in the box she fluffs up and vocalizes in a sort of aggressive, "don't touch me I feel like crap" way, but then allows us to pick her up. We have six other hens - all a year old - from the same farm source that are in good health. Any thoughts? Has anyone encountered similar symptoms, and if so, what did you do? We have a recommendation of a local veterinarian, but of course, this is happening on a weekend and we'd really like to avoid emergency clinic prices, but we don't want her to suffer either. Help!


Very concerned family
Sounds like you have a broody, at least to me. My chicken nuts will sit on eggs and make the most horrible sound you have ever heard and try to peck me when they want to be broody! I would put some food and water by her and take her off the nest for a few minutes so she goes to the bathroom. Broodys are sneaky and will get food and water when you least expect. Hope this helps!
My Buff is 5 years old and has been doing the same thing since Friday night. I do not have a rooster and there are no eggs in the nest She fluffs up, "growls" when I come near. I have taken her out a couple of times and she eats like crazy, not taking in too much fluids though. I have gotten some in to her. It is hot here though. I checked her belly and it seems okay. Her tail is up and her eyes are bright, but I have never seen this behaviour before. She sleeps in there also. I don't mind paying the vet bill, but does it sound like she should go?? Thanks very much for any info. It is appreciated!
Will she stop on her own without fertile eggs though? I travel for work and am not able to take care of baby chicks, as much I would love to!
Yep. Broody hen. Don't be alarmed if you notice that the feathers are gone from her belly. Totally normal. They pluck them out for better contact with the eggs. Or maybe for perfect humidity, because when you reach under a broody hen and touch bare skin, it's pretty humid. And kinda gross.

You have two options. Give her fertile eggs, or break her of her broodiness. When I have a broody hen and I don't happen to need any new chicks, I put her in a wire cage with no bedding at all in it. My "broody jails" are raised up off of the ground and have roosts in them. But that's probably not completely necessary. You just want to get her off the nest and get some cool air flowing underneath her. It usually takes a few days in the cage to break them.

It's possible that you could also break a broody hen by other methods. Continually pulling them off the nest, putting ice in a ziploc baggie underneath them, dunking them in cool water. These are some ideas I've heard before. Probably depends on how broody the bird is. Mine are WAY broody, and they laugh at anything less than broody jail.

A trip to the vet is definitely not necessary. Your hen is just doing what hens have been doing forever and ever.
Great information. Thanks very much. I like the idea of the broody jail. Mine are pretty strong minded also. Thanks again!

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