10 Babies Coming


In the Brooder
Apr 22, 2018
Quincy, IL
Hi Everyone - new here, but have visited the site a few times. Picking up 5 Black Laced Golden Wyandotte chicks and 5 Partridge Cochins on the 27th. We have 3 adult hens (since we lost a bunch this past summer to who knows what?) 2 Dominique and 1 Rhode Island Red. Not new to chickens, but there always seems like there must be a better way haha. Wondering if anyone has any ideas on what to use to partition off a 6' tall x 4.5' wide section of the coop for when they get a little older? It would have to be able to open and close and we have cats. The other 3 walls are taken care of, just need an access point. Thanks so much!
G'Day from down under 13mamas :frow Welcome!

Chicken Sympathy.jpg

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Hi Everyone - new here, but have visited the site a few times. Picking up 5 Black Laced Golden Wyandotte chicks and 5 Partridge Cochins on the 27th. We have 3 adult hens (since we lost a bunch this past summer to who knows what?) 2 Dominique and 1 Rhode Island Red. Not new to chickens, but there always seems like there must be a better way haha. Wondering if anyone has any ideas on what to use to partition off a 6' tall x 4.5' wide section of the coop for when they get a little older? It would have to be able to open and close and we have cats. The other 3 walls are taken care of, just need an access point. Thanks so much!
:thumbsup :welcome

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