10 week old Hen with injured wing


Dec 19, 2015
Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania
Hello Everyone, While watching the chickens today, I noticed Cookie's wing was hanging down, upon investigation I see she has what appears to be a puncture wound on the top of her wing, and when I lift her wing and look underneath, it is swollen, and it looks like she has an abscess that has ruptures and is oozing. She is out and pecking around just like everyone else, is there anything I should do for her or will she recover on her own?


If you have Vetericyn Wound spray , that is food to use. If not, betadine or hibiclens and water to soak it, or plain saline or water will also work. Dry it and ply some plain antibiotic ointment such as Bacitracin, Neosporin, etc. Keep away from flies, preferably inside until healed somewhat. Do you know if this was a predator attack, such as a hawk, raccoon, or a dog?
I am still worried about my girl and was hoping for some more advise. on the second day, the lump turned deep dark purple, no more oozing or draining, no open wounds at all (i had used chlorahex and neosporin) and now, on day 3 it turned an ugly green color, still swollen. Again, no smell or oozing. How do I know if this is a big swollen bruise or an abscess that needs to be broken open????

The green is bruising. How does the tissue feel that is swollen--is it soft and puffy, and does it seem very painful if you touch it? An abscess is usually painful, but she could have had some bleeding under the skin or just swollen. An abscess will usually eventually break open and start draining pus, but chicken pus can become hardened into a kernel. I would watch it, and hope to see the swelling go down in a day or two.

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