10 Week Old Khaki Campbells


10 Years
May 2, 2014
Hi there! I have a pair of khaki campbells that are 10 weeks old, and I was wondering what opinion you might have about which sex they are. Every day, I change my mind based on their looks, and though I've been working on getting them to trust me with pea treats, I haven't been able to successfully catch either one in order to hear their quacks. They are pretty quiet whenever I approach them and still kind of peep, so I haven't really been able to distinguish a distinctive quack for either one.

Anyway, here are a couple of pictures. One has a thicker neck/breast than the other, and has a black "bean" on its beak, and the smaller one has a lighter brown bean on its beak. I sometimes feel like the smaller one is also very slightly lighter in color and doesn't seem to have as defined of a dark head as the other, but again, my opinion changes on that every day. No tail curls yet, either. What do you think? Thanks!

Thanks, guys! I'm still not 100% on either sex, haha, but I am starting to think more and more that they are definitely the same. I'll try to get a video of their noises later today... It's kind of quacky, but not very loud? Haha!
Awww, ducks.

I have Welsh Harlequins, which were created less than 100 years ago from Khaki Campbell. I'm going to go on a limb and say they might have similar characteristics per sex.
If you had them from hatch, they could be auto sexed then based on bill color. Sounds like you have not, however.
When you "herd" them around do they make noise? I have two youngsters that we got right about 10 weeks old. Pretty positive even then that one makes a distinct rasp versus a quack or peep. At 10 weeks they can still be a tad peepish!

Mine are now about 13 weeks. Every day more down disappears and adult feathers appear. Positive one male, crossing fingers not both. We already have one drake.

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