100 Pictures of Our Flocks: A Community Picture Project


Fuzzy Feather Fanatic
Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Jun 9, 2011
My Coop
My Coop
Welcome to 100 Pictures of Our Flocks! For general information about the project, check out this page!

100 Pictures of Our Flocks is a project for which the community enters pictures that match themes, the goal being to check every theme off. For this project, I have decided not to include an 'end date', and instead allow the project to keep going until each and every theme is checked off!

Everyone is welcome to add their pictures once the project begins. I (and project helpers Mr MKK FARMS and anyone else listed on the project page) will decide whether or not a picture fits a theme, after which the picture will be moved to this page. Please do not enter pictures into the project if you don't want them to be listed there. All pictures will have the username of the person who entered it and a link to the post that person made on this thread.

Because it is a community project, I have just a few rules and guidelines to follow to make sure all goes smoothly.

1. All pictures that are entered must be taken on or after March 1, 2013. Pictures taken before then do not qualify for the project!

2. Pictures must have at least one of the following in it: a chicken, a duck, a goose, a Guinea fowl, a turkey, a Peafowl, a ratite, or any of their young. Pictures can have people or other animals in them, but it is suggested that the focus is on one of the listed species.

3. If it isn't obvious by the picture that it fits a theme, you are welcome to write a brief story about what was going on at the time and why it fits.

4. Of course, all posts and pictures must follow BYC's rules and terms of service.

As an added note, we will only be accepting the first 3 fitting pictures for each theme. For themes that have an '-est' word in them (such as number 98, the stinkiest stink-eye), we'll collect 3 or more entries and then make a poll to decide the 'winner' of the theme as a community. Of course, there are no prizes for your picture winning the poll or being accepted into the project other than bragging rights. :)

Here is our checklist:

For this project, we want a picture of:

1. what birds do in the rain
2. what birds do in the snow
3. a wet bird
4. wattle action
5. a broody glare
6. fuzzy butts
7. a lucky bird
8. new additions
9. flock bed-time
10. birds in the trees
11. a naughty bird
12. a face only a mother could love
13. an unlucky bird
14. a show-off
15. a hen-squat
16. best friends
17. cuteness!
18. sunbathing birds
19. little dinosaurs
20. a proud pose
21. a show of happiness
22. a close-up
23. spoiled birds
24. a house chicken
25. sharing
26. awkwardness
27. camouflage in action
28. colorful birds
29. seasonal colors
30. birdy peek-a-boo!
31. a swarm
32. roost buddies
33. rafter birds
34. an explosive molt
35. insanity!
36. the most eggs in one box by the hens
37. the prettiest egg basket
38. the most birds in one picture
39. a mixed flock
40. new life
41. a warm winter snack
42. a cool summer snack
43. 'round the coop
44. a show of love
45. a smart bird
46. the cutest babies
47. the cutest girlies
48. the cutest boys
49. a shady spot to nap
50. muddy feet
51. interesting interactions
52. a flock at peace
53. a bird silhouette
54. a bird's first egg
55. ruffled feathers
56. searching for worms
57. a special delivery
58. when it’s too hot to free range
59. a beautiful egg
60. an odd egg
61. a caption-worthy shot
62. sisters
63. brothers
64. a family
65. a visitor
66. puddle play
67. a rooster crowing
68. the man of the flock
69. teenagers
70. one old bird
71. birds in deep snow
72. bird prints
73. evidence!
74. lost feathers
75. a classy portrait
76. a reflection
77. windswept birds
78. a bird’s point of view
79. a flower portrait
80. birds at play
81. a day in the life of a bird
82. a … what in the world?
83. fluffing it out
84. a community dustbath
85. eating and drinking
86. digging deep
87. follow the leader
88. a bird coming over
89. a bird running AWAY!
90. wings out
91. a place *obviously* meant for birds
92. the egg song in action
93. a really fresh egg
94. a really BIG egg
95. a pretty lady
96. a handsome man
98. the stinkiest stink-eye
99. the cutest stink-eye
100. the 100th picture in the project!

The checklist is also on this page. Because I will not always be able to edit this post, you'll have to go there to see what is checked off already.

And finally, if you think you would make a good project helper, PM me and I'll see what I think. ;)

A special thanks to cluckcluckluke for the idea of making this community project.
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Anxious to see what happens next!
You can enter as many pictures as you'd like. :) I'm accepting up to 3 pictures for each theme so that everyone has an opportunity to enter if they want.

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