11 Day old Rhode Island Reds and Plymouth Rocks


In the Brooder
Apr 2, 2017
Rural Alberta

Looking for gender guesses for my flock members! They hatched on April 26th, making them 11 days old today:

The Rhode Island Reds

"Pink" now named Deanna (as in Deanna Troi)

Three days old

Today (11 days old)

"Purple" now named Beverly (as in Dr. Beverly Crusher)

Three days old

Today (11 days old)

The Plymouth Rocks

"Blue" now named Seven (as in Seven of Nine)

Three days old

Today (11 days old)

"Green" now named Janeway (as in Captain Kathryn Janeway)

Three days old

Today (11 days old)

Some people in other threads have hinted that Janeway looks like a girl and Seven could be as well.

Thanks in advance :)
Here's Seven at Day 6 with dark feathers.

I'll try to get a good shot of their wings tomorrow in the natural light. Both look to be feathering in a similar pattern.

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