my husband is gonna get me on for christmas
M@M@2four :

Chant: "Get an incubator!!! Get an incubator!!! Get an incubator!!! Get an incubator!!! Get an incubator!!! Get an incubator!!!"​
like silkies once you have one you have to have MORE!!!!! im addicted to silkies, guess its better to be addicted to them then drugs haha, i say bid! i cant i just think its fun to watch and want to see who wins
Oh once you get one, you'll be hooked for life!....and even more of an addict like all of us!
(or are we just crazy?
) hee hee.

To bid or not to bid again....that is the question
Maybe one of my CT Chicken-Friends will hatch them for me (hint hint)

You people are such enablers!! I love it!

I love chickens, especially Silkies!!! (You can never have too many!)

If I wasn't unemployed, I would have bought one for myself already!!! Hubby was out of work too up until about 6 months ago. Talk about things being tight!!

Hmmm... my cat doesn't bother my chickens, maybe he can be a "broody" for me..... Naaaahhhhh!!!
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lol! Had a cat years ago, 10lbs and very lazy. For three days in a row, everymorning when I went to work he was sleeping on the back of the couch. When I got home, he was still sleeping on the back of the couch! On the forth day, I started to worry, thinking maybe he died there! So over I go and with my finger extended I give a little poke.......
He slowly, lifted his head & turned it to me, gave a huge cat yawn. And glared at me, as if to say, WHAT! I slowly backed away, and went to work. He wasn't sleeping on the back of the couch when I got home, I must have Ruined that spot for him by bothering him in the morning. He found another spot to snooze in.....

If I still had him, he would make a great broody!!!!
My cat is 15 pounds!!! He sleeps on his back with his feet up in the air.

My husband (aka the enabler) is really getting into these auctions. I just sent him a text letting him know about the latest bids and his reply read "Well, don't you have an empty incubator right now."
that is so exciting. i cant wait to get my incubator. a silkie breeder is hatching chicks for me
will be ready in acouple weeks but i want to experience that moment, i dont have any hens right now, i'll be getting some when i get my chicks and i also have chicks
Yes, yes he is!!! I guess he finally figured that if I was going to talk about silkies all day and night, he might as well see what it's all about.
my husband is slowly getting to that point. haha he loves my silkies more then my other chickens tho he wont admit it but you can see it

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