12 week old celadon quail - not laying

Feb 17, 2021
I have 5 celadon hens that are 12, almost 13 weeks old and still not laying eggs. I am not sure why. I've never had hens that start this late. All my other birds have started laying at 6-7 weeks.

Any ideas? )They are getting calcium and 26% protein food. ) They live with a male from a different celadon hatch.
Are they getting 14-16 hours of light per day? That's usually the cause of not laying at this time of year. Other options would be stress. If there's a predator hanging around or if something has changes where they live, that would also keep them from laying.
I had that problem with my first celadon. Just didn't lay eggs until 15 weeks. Her offspring though, started laying at 5 1/2 weeks. Weird. Make sure to keep supplementing light and wait. She'll start when she starts.

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