12 week old Golden Buff: hen or rooster?


8 Years
Mar 31, 2013
SF Bay Area
Hi, I'm a first-time chicken owner. Could use your input if you can tell the gender of my 12 week old Golden Buff, a supposed hen, that I got from mypetchicken as 3-day-old hatch.
Here is the link for the breed: http://www.mypetchicken.com/catalog/Day-Old-Baby-Chicks/Golden-Buff-Red-Star-p224.aspx

The seller said the breed is also known as Red Star. Supposedly they are color coded for easy gender identification at hatch, but I'm suspicious of her large comb, which has gotten larger over the past couple weeks as well as her neck feathers that are just now showing up shiny, pointy and slightly off-color from her main body feathers.

First photo is to show her comb and neck feathers and second, her body and tail feathers. It was so hard to get a good angle, she kept moving around!

I don't know, if this is actually a red star, it has to be female by the feather color, and it looks like a typical red star despite the odd tail feather. I'm also not seeing any pointy saddle feathers (pic from the top would be better), and the girls do have more orangey neck feathers with clear edges. You could have gotten the wrong mix or it could accidentally be a second generation red sex link or something, but in small flocks of these I've had them routinely start laying at 14-16 weeks so you could just have a pullet that is very mature for her age. Hope that is what it is.
She's a hen!

We got our first egg ever 2 days ago and this morning, we found out who dunnit. Turns out to be the one we were suspecting to be a rooster! The white "egg" is a golf ball and the brown is Goldie's 3rd egg.


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