12 week old light brahma gender


Dec 30, 2021
Kentucky, USA
Male or female? Are they old enough to be able to tell? PXL_20220627_202735223.MP.jpg PXL_20220627_202639548.MP.jpg PXL_20220627_202633903.jpg PXL_20220627_202627680.jpg PXL_20220627_202622582.jpg PXL_20220627_202609201.jpg

I have three and other than one have a very slightly lighter colored face, I swear they look identical. All three sweet and docile.
I got my LB when she was between 12 and 15 weeks. She definitely had a lighter face than the one(s) pictured here - but bodywise they look identical to how she looked at that age. Agree that there are no obvious male saddle or hackle feathers coming in.

My guess would be faster maturing pullets. (Which is good! My LB didn't lay until 7mo - but did get it going in the middle of winter, so good for her.)

I'd give it maybe three more weeks to see if they develop any male feathers - but fingers crossed - I think they're girls.
I got my LB when she was between 12 and 15 weeks. She definitely had a lighter face than the one(s) pictured here - but bodywise they look identical to how she looked at that age. Agree that there are no obvious male saddle or hackle feathers coming in.

My guess would be faster maturing pullets. (Which is good! My LB didn't lay until 7mo - but did get it going in the middle of winter, so good for her.)

I'd give it maybe three more weeks to see if they develop any male feathers - but fingers crossed - I think they're girls.
The waiting is killing me! They're young though. I think either way they'll be very mellow and well-mannered.

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